List with Caris Partners

Let's get your practice listed in just a few simple steps!

List your property

Tell us about your practice?

Provide us the essential details about your practice. This foundational information will set the stage for our team.

Practice Type

Listing Purpose

Where Is Your Practice Located?

This actual address will remain private until we have a signed confidentiality agreement signed by a potential buyer.




Zip Code

Practice Details

We can help determine the market value of your practice and offer terms that resonate with the right buyer.

What are your annual collections?




Dental Assistants

Office Employees

Square Footage

Lease or Own Real Estate

What Makes Your Practice Special?

In your words, please tell us about your practice.

Confidential Contact Information

We value your privacy and our good name. No one will contact the practice directly or using any other contact method than the ones provided.

Your Name

Best Phone

Best Email

Thank you!
What's Next?

You're one click away from sending your information to a representative with Practice Transitions by Caris Partners.  Make sure the details are accurate for a smooth listing process. Once submitted, our team will review the information and contact you for an introductory call.

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